Category Archives: Malaysia Stocks

How do you prepare your wealth feast?Have you chosen the right tools?

The Malaysian stock market is like a treasure trove, filled with outstanding companies from various industries, including utilities, healthcare, processing and manufacturing, and telecommunications. These companies have significant market performance and influence in their respective fields. Which stock are you … Continue reading

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A steady upward trend since January!

What…?! A steady upward trend since January? However, many investors hesitated to enter the market and only joined in months later. The SoroSign software also started showing a buy signal (STM) in blue on January 4th. [See image] It’s durian … Continue reading

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An Intriguing Investment Tale: Why Do Investors Bring Ladders to the Stock Market?

Have you ever wondered why investors carry ladders to the stock market? The answer actually resides in the fascinating world of ever-expanding profits! In the realm of investment, the growth of profits is akin to a ladder, enabling investors to … Continue reading

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Member Profit Achievements

After receiving stock investing training, his profits doubled! The training courses were insightful and easy to understand, helping him quickly grasp market trends and investment strategies. This experience changed his destiny, and he never anticipated achieving such remarkable success in … Continue reading

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Do you need to look at value investing in buying and selling stocks?

Do you need to look at value investing in buying and selling stocks? Many people think that value investing is a key point, forgetting that at the end of the day that making money in the stock market is what … Continue reading

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MYEG Stock Trend Analysis

MYEG (0138) Stock Trend Analysis

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The soaring Malaysia Stock HBGLOB 5187

The soaring Malaysia Stock HBGLOB 5187 Malaysia Stock HBGLOB 5187 had soared to more than 300% profits. In the unpredictable stock market; to buy before the beginning of the soaring point of the stock is extremely difficult. However, it will be … Continue reading

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新的一年新的开始 昨晚的年庆活动举办成功,WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 恭祝大家农历新年快乐! 看看我们 SoroSign 特别为您准备的新春开运菜和 Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生… 通通都是好意头呀! 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 发财就手:和味猪手 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 发财好市:发菜蚝豉 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 团团圆圆:红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, CryptoCurrency, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Success Story, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 新的一年新的开始

Current stock investment method ineffective to make money? Why not try SoroSign simple method?

Current stock investment method ineffective to make money? Why not try SoroSign simple method? PANAMY stock is an expensive stock and not everyone has the capacity to buy it. However, many people are blindly buying it irrespective of the its … Continue reading

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Stock investment easy trick!

Stock investment easy trick! We frequently ask: “Is it a conducive time to invest in the stock market now”? Today, I will teach you a set of strategies that can help you resolve pestering problems on investment. I will teach … Continue reading

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The half way buy secret technique into previous arisen stock

The half way buy secret technique into previous arisen stock Sometimes we miss out some stocks we wanted to buy; but when we decided to buy it, the price has already risen. However, the stock price might further increase, thus … Continue reading

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Shares: 1st quarter made RM400,000+

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Tips for making money in investing Malaysian stock JAKS

Tips for making money in investing Malaysian stock JAKS There are already many successful traders in the stock market and we cannot deny the fact that people can get rich by investing in it. However, on the flip side; there … Continue reading

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Investing in stocks can generate free flow of income

Investing in stocks can generate free flow of income Do you willing to work hard for 5 years to get a lifetime financial freedom? While currently you have a steady income, you do need to create another source of income. … Continue reading

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Reaping profit through stock selling: Huayang (5062)

Reaping profit through stock selling: Huayang (5062) Have you encounter this situation before? You buy a stock and the next day the stock price falls. Worrying that you will face huge losses; you buy more stocks to balance up the … Continue reading

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Are current investment market conditions suitable for novice investors?

Are current investment market conditions suitable for novice investors? Any intelligent investor will most likely choose to enter the market only when the price is at low and not when its price is surging high. How to determine when is … Continue reading

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How to skillfully add order in stock investment

How to skillfully add order in stock investment Looking at the uptrend stock movements, what is your first impulse impression? Wish to add order? How to go about it? Here we share a useful and easy add order stock technique … Continue reading

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Why is the blue chip stock (Maybank) you bought is going down instead of up?

Why is the blue chip stock (Maybank) you bought is going down instead of up? Irrespective of the stock price conditions; by buying blue a chip stock, will it result in a loss? The answer is definitely yes. The reasons … Continue reading

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There are no lack of investors but only good effective investment methods

There are no lack of investors but only good effective investment methods It is an undisputable fact that whoever possessed the most effective investment plan will benefit the most from the stock market. To be invincible in the “stock market”, … Continue reading

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Can buying this stock ensure 100% profits?

Can buying this stock ensure 100% profits? There is no such thing as 100% profitability in this world. If I were to tell you there is such thing, I’m lying. If you invest in equal ratio of 50:50, then it … Continue reading

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MBSB: Withholding it does not necessary means profits

MBSB: Withholding it does not necessary means profits When the stock market is down, not all the good growth revenue or prospective companies’ stocks price will rise, as it may still experience a fall. Which means that if you insist … Continue reading

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Secret Weapon to Get Rich – SoroSign

Secret Weapon to Get Rich – SoroSign Many rich people possessed a rich secret weapon. In fact, you can also have that secret weapon to get rich! The secret weapon for profitable investment is SoroSign ! By using SoroSign, you … Continue reading

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Trading Malaysia Stock “Genting” By Get Rich Method

Trading Malaysia Stock “Genting” By Get Rich Method Have money but do not know how to invest. So how to improve to make more money? Having money but do not know how to invest, is not a problem but having … Continue reading

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To sell or withhold 100% rise purchased stock?

To sell or withhold 100% rise purchased stock? To sell a 100% profits’ stock may result in its unpredictable price increase further; while withholding may unexpectedly lead to a sudden fall? What to do in a catch 22 situation? Apply … Continue reading

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Problem is definitely come from stock investment method

Problem is definitely come from stock investment method Having involved in investment for so long, still experiencing more loss than win? Is investing so difficult or are you using the wrong the method? As long as the correct investment method … Continue reading

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Is HIAPTEK stock price high?

Is HIAPTEK stock price high? Do you notice that the volume of HIAPTEK have been skyrocketing in the past few days? If buy at this time, it is not overpaid doubled? Is the price at the highest now? The question here … Continue reading

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ORION new way of creating wealth from the stock market

ORION new way of creating wealth from the stock market If you are trading stocks using SoroSign Investment Software, you just have to follow the indicators shown: Green – Buy, Red – Sell. #1: Filtering fault signals. #2: Provide high accuracy signals. #3: Easy … Continue reading

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While Stocks are falling substancially, Sernkou stock is riding to a new High

While Stocks are falling substancially, Sernkou stock is riding to a new High Recently while most stocks are on down trend, Sernkou surprising was on the up trend. Refer the diagram: Malaysia Stock Sernkou 7180 (Sernkou Resources Berhad) Everyone wants … Continue reading

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Is it time to accumulate HWGB?

Is it time to accumulate HWGB? Are you aware that Ho Wah Genting Bhd(HWGB 9601) stock price has been dropping continuously? The stock price has already dropped to RM0.06 per share and will it continue to drop further? If you … Continue reading

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AirAsia X 5238 stock price has sky rocketed!

AirAsia X 5238 stock price has sky rocketed! AirAsia X share prices has been hovering around RM0.18 (before the share price rise) and there is hardly any noticeable visibility of any impending price rise. We have a powerful stock investment … Continue reading

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