[Stock] SoroSign Reduces The Time Consumption In Analyzing Taiwan Stocks
SoroSign not only let you reduce the time consumption in analyzing Taiwan stocks Boardtek Electronics Corp (5349), but also enable you to predict the stock future direction easily.
Many people are spending a lot of unnecessary time in analyzing the fundamental and technical aspects of stocks. Nowadays, with the new generation of smart investment software – SoroSign – It’s not only help investors to save time in doing analysis, but also provides the signals for Buy, Add Orders, Short Selling and Add Orders In Short Selling.
Refer to the following chart: Boardtek Electronics Corp (5349)
Step 1: Low price approach in buying
OLA show upward trend, green buy signal (Short to Medium) appears, allowing you to buy at low price.
Step 2: Tips in adding stock orders
After buying at low price, investors wishing to add more orders to make more money, can rely on the Fast’s green buy signals; i.e. when it turns from red to green.
The more investments you invest, the more money you generate basing on the premise that you have mastered the investment skills.
Green Buy, Red Sell
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